
Posted by Night Fox | Posted on 6:38 PM

I wanted to let people know of a mall sim that is owned by a friend of mine. The sim is Ganesha and has a wide variety of items and stores on it. The sim is an urban style, and that's what it caters to mostly, but anyone can rent there. Some of the greatest things about the sim is it is basically a city to shop, and just shop no real extra things added to take away from shopping. I also have a small store front rented there (which I really need to update, been busy). Can't lose too much for seeing what they have, and might even be able to find a place to set up shop yourself.

Here is a list of some of the stores Ganesha has to visit. Relentless Unknown (got to list myself first), Punta!, Catboy, AKEYO, Fetch Alternative, Worldwide Industries, No Mercy, NEO, Glamurena Studio, Tomcat, Neko Gear, Fing, BOOF, [HS] Stores, Style Bomb, Aunty Entity, May'ulla Cat, -Androgyny-, OutsiderZ, Sassy Kittyy Designs, Semple Creations, and Grasped Designs.

Ganesha SLurl

As an added note expect a few new releases from me within the next few days. Should have a watch that will be in 2 different styles, and another ring to add to my fine jewelry collection.

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