More Chain Piercings

Posted by Night Fox | Posted on 8:20 PM


Been a busy day for me, and the first time ever that I have done two different posts in the same day. I went to work making new chain piercings right after I did my last post with Chain Piercing Neko, and Chain Piercing Cross. It wasn't just a simple process of just making more sets. Each and everything made also needs to then be positioned on the avatar, and pictures need to be made for the boxes. This all kept me entertained for a little while, and here are the fruits of my labor. These two sets contain mod, copy, no transfer permissions.

The Chain Piercing Classic is different then all the other chain piercing sets I have done so far. I made it without anything hanging from the chain, because some people might prefer something more plain. I also changed the rest of the piercings on the set, such as removing the brow piercings. Mainly I did this for those that think they might not have the skills needed to adjust a set with them, because the brow studs are most likely to be the furthest off due to shape differences.

The Chain Piercing Photo is much like the other two I released earlier. It has a small picture frame hanging from the chain that goes across the lips, and since the set has mod it is possible to put any picture or texture desired into the photo area. This only requires basic building skills, and the photo area is its on prim to make it easier to alter.

These two along with all the other Chained Piercing sets are available at both of my store locations. Relentless Unknown main store here, and my Ganesha location here. My avatar show in these two store pictures is also wearing my Bankai Butterfly face tattoo.

Chain Piercings

Posted by Night Fox | Posted on 11:13 AM


Just released these two sets of facial piercings. The contain a full prim chain running from the piercings on each side of the lower lip. These sets come with mid, copy, no transfer permissions to help make it as easy and risk free to get them to fit any face shape. Some skill with building and positioning of prims is required to move these small prims, but I have done all I can to make it safe to do so.

The first one it the Neko Chain Piercing. This set has a small cat paw suspended from the chain going across the lips. Paw was made to look like it would be possible to make in RL. The picture below shows all of the piercings included in the set.

The second set contains a small cross dangling from the chain. The cross is not just a simple design, but instead made to look a bit more ornate. With the combination of the shiny and the right angle the design becomes even more visible.

Both of these sets are available at my two store locations right now. I have also added five more items to show up on my display system at the main store. I always have more ideas for things to create so please check back soon to see what is new.

Relentless Unknown SLurl

Item Display System

Posted by Night Fox | Posted on 2:30 PM


I have just added a way to see some of the items in a way other than just looking at the pictures on the walls. I have a display table in the middle of the store that will rez the object on the wall when a small button that says "Display" on it is pressed. The picture below shows my Cogs of Fate Staff rezed on the table. Currently I have only three items set up to display like this, but I will continue to set up more in the next few days in between my other projects.

The three items that will display so far are the Cogs of Fate Staff, Bangle, and Lock and Chains. This system is also only at my main store location. It is my hope that a system such as this will help remove the fear of purchasing something, and wondering if whats on the box is what is received. I never modify any of the pictures on my boxes to change to look of any of my item, but this is an added way for people to see what they really look like in 3D. If you can see something in person, and try on a pair of clothes before buying it in RL, why not make it possible in SL. I hope what I have done will be a bit to start this trend throughout SL.

Relentless Unknown SLurl

I would like to thank Loki Clifton and the Original Holodeck for making the system I used to make this display table possible. I used the Retail Holodeck to set this up, and I also used it in the past to make a custom looking vending machine. The Retail Holodeck is great, because the different objects rezed by the holodeck can actually be set for sale and sold just as if they were any box on a wall. The Original Holodeck SLurl

Neck Time

Posted by Night Fox | Posted on 1:27 PM


In the past I said I was going to try to make some things based on the anime Bleach. This is not based on the anime, but it is inspired partly by it. One of the characters had a necklace that went through a loop in the same way as this item. I have just made the chains bigger, and added a small clock to the end. I have been wanting to make a necklace or choker with clock on it for a long time since I made my first watch, and with this I finally have done it.

I have included Mod, No Copy, and Transfer permissions to allow for some customization. The clock on the end also works and keeps track of the time in SL. Overall I think it is a unique item unlike anything else, and is now for sale at both of my store locations.

Relentless Unknown SLurl
Relentless Unknown Ganesha SLurl

Now I need to get back to work on my next plan, to help make it easier to see what the items in the boxes of the store really look like. Looks like I have some experimentation to do, and a bit of work with some scripts... evil scripts.

Only 1 Linden

Posted by Night Fox | Posted on 4:12 PM


I was sitting here thinking about something to do, and considered that I have no freebie items in my store. So I looked back and found nine things that I used to sell, but were now just taking up room in my inventory. These are all high quality items from chokers to boots. They are only available at my main store, and are located on a wall with a sign indicating that they are only 1 linden. The sign will look much like the one below, but without the dotted background. Each item on the 1 linden wall has mod, copy, and no transfer.

I hope you all enjoy the benefit of my spring cleaning. I just figured it is better to give give them away rather then letting them just collect dust in my inventory. The SLurl bellow leads to the main store that has the wall of 1 linden items. My Ganesha location doesn't have enough room for me to put such a wall in it.

Relentless Unknown SLurl

On top of adding the 1 linden wall I have also rebuilt the entire store. My friends remodeled the land, and I had to move the store to fit into the new layout. It is basically in the same spot as the old version, just raised off the ground by about a meter. I have updated all the SLurls on the blog to make sure that it will not lead anywhere under the floor. The new layout has much more room to let me expand, and is easy to see everything easily without looking on multiple floors.

Bankai Butterfly

Posted by Night Fox | Posted in , , , , , , , , | Posted on 5:04 PM


Been busy, and have not gotten around to being able to make anything really new. I blame an addiction to watching a lot of Bleach where this facial tattoo came from. It's based on the picture bellow of Yoruichi. The marking appeared on Yoruichi after being struck by Soi Fong's Bankai. I was able to make this, and actually show it in higher detail then the original as seen in the anime. It comes with mod, copy, no transfer, and is able to be tinted to any color desired. I currently have it placed at both of my store locations.

I already have other ideas for things based on Bleach, and a few other animes. Nothing really crazy, but instead nice looking items that would be perfect for any situation. I just need to get back to work and start creating. Hope to post again soon.

Relentless Unknown SLurl
Relentless Unknown Ganesha SLurl

My first hunt

Posted by Night Fox | Posted on 3:07 PM


I am participating in my first hunt. I would have loved to do more hunts in the past though, but I am always out of the loop and never know about them. I guess I am just not one of the popular kids. At least I am in this one and that's all that matters for now. The hunt is taking place on the Ganesha sim where I have one of my stores.

I suppose I can let everyone that reads this know what I have hidden away in my egg. I have included in the hunt a pair of earrings that will only be out for the two weeks of the hunt. I will also include this picture to make them even easier to find, even though they are not hidden very well. That's all I am saying though to show a picture of the earrings would ruin the surprise. Just follow the SLurl bellow to get to the sim, the eggs by the telehub have a list of all the stores in the hunt along with a bit more info. My store is easy to find since it is right next to the telehub on the intersection. Good luck everyone, and hope you like my freebie.

Ganesha SLurl