Ring Necklace
Posted by Night Fox | Posted on 2:35 PM
I know this is not an original style necklace as many others have done this sort of thing, but I added a few things I think make it a bit different. The way the ring is on the chain is a bit different, and the chain is very nicely done. The ring itself is made of a dark wood, with a low shine to it, and the chain is textured with a medium chine.
This item comes with no mod, copy, no transfer permissions. A scripted resize system is used that will change the whole necklaces size in increments of 1%, 5%, or 10%. The ring is also scripted to change to one of three sizes through chat commands on channel 7. These commands are /7small, /7medium, and /7large. This item is now available at Relentless Unknown in SL.I am also preparing to remodel my store again to allow for more clear sections for selling shapes, and a photography studio run by my partner. I am also looking into adding a scripted store system that will allow my no transfer items to be sold and sent as gifts. Lots of work to do, and such little time to do it all.
This are really pretty. Let me share this great online jewelry shop where I usually buy my jewelries.