New projects soon
Posted by Night Fox | Posted on 9:49 PM
Well I have not posted in over a month so just thought I would give a few updates. I am about to begin working on some new small little projects and hope to release something soon. Been busy with work and just have not had much time or desire to work on anything in SL in my free time. I do look forward to getting to work and learning more about making good custom sculpts. So expect something one of a kind if I get it to the point that I feel is of a high enough quality.
In other news I saw this video on youtube from The Guild and even though Second Life is not a typical MMORPG I still thought it was funny and could still fit in with SL a bit. So check out Do you wanna date my avatar on youtube for a nice little music video. I was a bit sad that I couldn't add the video right to this post, so you have to do it through the link.